القائمة الرئيسية

Barbell / dumbbells / bar / link for dumbbells and a bag / with free delivery service


1. Iron 20 kg, 2 black stainless steel dumbbells, with a fitting for the dumbbells, with a bag. The price is 25 dinars, including free delivery. 2. Iron 20 kg, 2 dandelions, stainless steel color, with a fitting for the dandelions, with a bag. The price is 27 dinars, including free delivery. 3. Iron 30 kg, 2 stainless steel dumbbells, with a fitting for the dumbbells, with a bag. The price is 33 dinars, including free delivery. 4. Iron 50 kg, 2 stainless steel dumbbells, with a fitting for the dumbbells, a large detachable bar, and a bag with two wheels The price is 55 dinars, with serviceFree delivery

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